College Receives National Award for Innovative Policies and Programs Supporting Non-Tenure-Track Faculty

Michigan State University’s College of Arts & Letters has been selected as a winner of the 2024 Delphi Award for its dedicated work to include non-tenure-track faculty as full partners through its Charting Pathways of Intellectual Leadership (CPIL) initiative. As a winner of this award, the College of Arts & Letters will receive $15,000 to continue its work to support non-tenure-track faculty in promoting student success.

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‘Afrofantastic:’ Science Fiction, Technology, Black Culture Explored in New Documentary by MSU Professors

Afrofuturism has entered more mainstream conversations in the last decade thanks to its influence on fashion and art, notably in the music of Janelle Monae and in the film “Black…

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Fiction Filmmaking Capstone Class Premieres Short Film to Sold-Out Theatre

After two semesters of hands-on experience in film production, editing, and marketing, the 2023 Fiction Filmmaking Capstone Class at Michigan State University premiered its short film, Promises, Promises, to a sold-out theatre on May 3 at Studio C! in the Meridian Mall. An on-campus screening also took place on May 4 at Wells Hall and was followed by a Q&A session with the cast and crew as well as a behind-the-scenes video of the making of the short film.

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Graduating Senior Reflects on Film Studies Education at MSU

Madeline Strong is graduating from Michigan State University in Spring 2023 with a B.A. in Film Studies. During her time at MSU, she gained experience working as a videographer for MSU's Culinary Services and for the MSU Student Organic Farms. Strong took some time, as she prepares for graduation, to answer questions about her Film Studies education at MSU.

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CREATE! Micro-Grant Virtual Student Exhibition Launches

The 2022 CREATE! Micro-Grant Student Exhibition is now live! This virtual exhibit showcases the 12 student projects that were created based on the winning proposals that earned them $500 in micro-grant funding.  The CREATE! Micro-Grant initiative encourages students to…

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Film Students Take Inaugural Study Abroad Trip to Toronto International Film Festival

The MSU Film Studies Program completed its inaugural study abroad trip to the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) with 12 student filmmakers participating. Kaveh Askari, Associate Professor and Director of Michigan State University’s Film Studies Program, and Peter Johnston, Associate Professor and Manager of Digital Media and Film Production at MSU, led the week-long program in Ontario, Canada.

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