Farzaneh Ebrahimzadeh Holasu

Global Film/ Media, Middle East Cinema, Film Archives and Non-extant Films, Digital Humanities, Travel Literature, Cultural, Historical, Racial and Ethnic Studies, Diaspora Studies, Iranian Cultural Politics and Diasporas, Comparative Literature

Office: C709

Email: ebrahim8@msu.edu

Website: farzanehebholasu.com


Farzaneh Ebrahimzadeh Holasu (she/her) is a Ph.D. student of film ​studies in the English department at Michigan State University. She works on the politics of representation of Middle Eastern societies, cultures, and people within the boundaries of film/cinema ​with a theoretical approach largely informed by postcolonial, gender, ​and cultural-racial studies. Formerly, Farzaneh has taught at the University of Nevada, Reno. She is ​also the coordinator of the Moving Image Workshop at MSU. Moreover, she is pursuing a graduate certificate in digital humanities with a focus on design (website, posters), video-essay production, digital archives, and incorporating digital pedagogy into teaching.