William Johnsen
Twentieth-century British Literature | Modernism
Phone: 517-255-7570
Email: johnsen@msu.edu
Web site
William A. Johnsen is the former graduate chair and coordinator of undergraduate programs in the Department of English, as well as the former chair of the advisory consultative committee to International Studies and Programs. He is also a frequent director of study abroad programs in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Currently, he is the editor of Contagion: The Journal of The Colloquium on Violence and Religion, now published at MSU Press. He is also the general editor for a book series at MSU Press: Studies in Violence, Mimesis, and Culture.
His research interests, teaching, and record of publication include modernism, theory, globalization, and comparative literature, as well as Irish, British, and Scandinavian modern literature.
ENG310D Literature in English 1900–Present
ENG366 Irish Literature
ENG439 Twentieth-Century English Poetry
ENG487 Twentieth-Century English Novel
ENG830/992E Twentieth-Century English Literature
IAH221C Great Ages Modern World