Tamara Butler
Associate Professor of Critical Literacies
Office: C606 Wells Hall
Email: tbutler@msu.edu
Dr. Tamara Butler is an Associate Professor of Critical Literacies. She holds a joint affiliation with the English Education and the African American and African Studies Programs. Her research on Black Girl literacies and justice-oriented education can be found in Review of Research in Education, Theory into Practice, English Education, Race, Justice and Activism in Literacy Education and more. Through her BlackGirlLand project, she explores Black women’s connections to land as documented in their life stories and creative works (i.e., film, art, poetry and literature). In addition to being a member of the National Council of Teachers of English’s Anti-Racism Educational Consultant Network, she also serves on the Executive Committee of English Language Arts Teacher Educators (ELATE). To learn more about Dr. Butler, visit her website: tamaratbutler.com or join her on twitter (@DefyanTam & @BlackGirlLand).