Hannah Ensor
Assistant Professor-Fixed Term
Creative Writing
Email: ensorhan@msu.edu
Hannah Ensor is a poet and essayist working around topics of pop culture, sports, queer television, and mass media. Her first book of poetry is Love Dream With Television (Noemi Press, 2018). With Natalie Diaz she served as associate editor of Bodies Built for Game, an anthology of contemporary sports literature, and with Laura Wetherington and Jill Darling she co-wrote the collaborative poetry chapbook at the intersection of 3. Her writing has appeared in literary journals and anthologies, including the PEN Poetry Series, Poem-a-Day, Essay Daily, JUPITER88, and Anne Carson: Ecstatic Lyre. Until December 2017, she served as the Literary Director at the University of Arizona Poetry Center; she has also worked at the University of Michigan, managing the Hopwood Awards Program. Hannah is an editor of textsound.org, a contributing poetry editor for DIAGRAM, and has served as president of the board of directors of Casa Libre en la Solana.