Faculty Shout-out by Professor Steve Rachman

“Sarah is a truly engaged student of pop culture. She is a thoughtful participant in class who writes smart papers. She is also an athlete (a skater) who writes well about sports and gender. In other words, she embodies the classic virtues of being both a scholar and an athlete. I wish her success.”

How would you describe your time as an English or Film Studies major at MSU?

I would describe my time as an English major as explorative. I got to dive into some really interesting topics that were more diverse than I would have ever thought. By doing this I got to find who I am as a reader and writer and deepen my knowledge on a variety of topics.

Which classes, instructors, or experiences particularly stand out for you and why? How did they prepare you for the next phase of your life?

Instructor Stokes ENG 226 – Instructor Stokes revived my love for writing for enjoyment. Throughout my major, it was easy for me to forget sometimes that writing can be and is for me so enjoyable, but Instructor Stokes truly reminded me of that. I felt as if the space allowed for so much creative freedom for us as students to explore topics that we wanted to explore within the different genres of writing. As a student, I always felt comfortable sharing and workshopping my writing with my peers and with Instructor Stokes. The instructor gave valuable and meaningful feedback without shutting ideas down, but rather helping us to dive deeper into our thought process and find the reason behind the creative choices we were making in our writing. Not only do I look up to Instructor Stokes as an instructor of English, but as a creator of a classroom space that I intend to create in my future classroom.

What advice would you give future English or Film Studies majors, based on your experiences in the department?

Be open to new ideas even if they make you uncomfortable. Try everything!

What coursework-related projects were/are you working on this year, and what interests or excites you about them? (capstone courses, honors thesis, independent studies, etc.)

I am currently in an independent study with Dr. Petchauer studying diverse YA literature. What excites me about it is that it has allowed me to get comfortable being uncomfortable and interacting with novels that are more window than mirror texts to my own life. Dr. Petchauer engages me in ideas that make me sit and wonder, rethink my thought process, and then come up with a solution to the problem or question at hand. I am elated to put the materials I have created in this independent study to work in my future classroom.

What are your hopes and aspirations, post-graduation?

After graduation, I plan to continue into the field of English Education! I also plan to coach synchronized skating and stay involved in the world of synchro for as long as possible!