Emery Petchauer
Associate Professor & Coordinator of English Education Program
Office: C600 Wells Hall
Phone: (517) 884-4413
Email: petchau1@msu.edu
Website: empetch.com
Emery Petchauer is an Associate Professor in the Department of English. He also holds a faculty appointment in the Department of Teacher Education and coordinates the secondary English education program. His research has focused on the aesthetic practices of urban arts, particularly hip-hop culture, and their connections to teaching, learning, and living. He is the author of Hip-Hop Culture in College Students’ Lives (Routledge, 2012), the first scholarly study of hip-hop culture on college campuses, and the co-editor of Schooling Hip-Hop: Expanding Hip-Hop Based Education Across the Curriculum (Teachers College Press, 2013). Over two decades of organizing and sustaining urban arts spaces across the United States inform this scholarly work.
Dr. Petchauer also studies high-stakes teacher licensure exams and their relationship to the racial diversity of the teaching profession, a body of research that received the 2018 Innovation in Research on Equity and Social Justice in Teacher Education Award from Division K of the American Educational Research Association. Theories of social psychology and spatial studies inform this work, as do many years of working individually with preservice teachers to pass these exams. The insights from this research are reflected most clearly in Navigating Teacher Licensure Exams: Success and Self-Discovery on the High-Stakes Path to the Classroom (Routledge, 2019).
Dr. Petchauer has received teaching awards at both the high school and college levels, including the Board of Trustees Distinguished Teaching Award at Lincoln University in Pennsylvania, the nation’s first Historically Black University. His courses regularly collaborate with artists, classroom teachers, and community organizers. His scholarship and community work have been supported by the Spencer Foundation, the Office of Research and Innovation at MSU, and partnerships with Ableton and Koala Sampler.
Information on his most current project can be found here.
ENG 308: Young Adult Literature + Antiracist Teaching
ENG 408: Critical Literacies and Communities
ENG 413: Critical Questions in Language and Composition
ENG 819: Breakbeat Lit: Hip-Hop Generation Sounds and Stories
TE 250: Human Diversity, Power, and Opportunity in Social Institutions
TE 302: Learners and Learning in Context