Position, Organization: Fulbright Scholarly Exchange Program
Major/Graduation: BA in English, Minor in TESOL, 2020
Describe your experience in the department. What did you study?
While involved with MSU’s English department I studied English with a concentration in literary studies. I also was apart of the department for Linguistics & Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African languages, where I studied Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). It is through my experiences at MSU where my love for TESOL as well as my passion for teaching has grown stronger.
What are you doing now? Please describe your current position.
I currently hold a grant with the Fulbright Scholarly Exchange Program, serving as an English Teaching Assistant in Taipei, Taiwan. While in Taiwan, I am co-teaching in an elementary school classroom where I am teaching the English language, as well as serving as a cultural ambassador and participating in various cross cultural activities. In this position, I have the opportunity work besides experienced Taiwanese teachers. This position is allowing me to grow as an educator, travel, and become accustomed to a different culture and way of living.

What kinds of experiences, skills, classes training did you receive at MSU that helped you succeed in the job market, and beyond?
All of the skills I developed at MSU has benefited me in my current position. Through combining my study of the English rhetoric, as well as linguistic studies, I am able to effectively teach the English language. Former experiences like completing my teaching practicum and serving as an undergraduate assistant to the ITA program, has also helped develop my classroom skills.
What is most memorable about your time in the English Department?
My most memorable experience about my time in the English department is meeting professors who have left a lifelong impact on me and my future endeavors.