The Department of English at Michigan State University aims to promote practices in teaching, scholarship, and service that dismantle power structures that oppress and challenge institutionalized practices that exclude, in the hope of creating a more equitable world. Our department seeks to champion the inclusion, support, and creations of safe learning environments that include spaces for race, gender, class, sex, sexuality, ability, religion, etc. It is our hope that through the implementation of these practices we can reimagine our world as one where our differences can be both acknowledged, respected, and considered.
2024-25 Members: Ellen McCallum (chair), Shastri Akella, Pedro Doreste, Nicole McCleese, Natalie Phillips, Ariana Costales-Del Toro (graduate student rep)
To advise the Chairperson on matters of departmental policy, and to serve as a standing advisory committee on personnel matters, that is, hiring, tenure, reappointment, promotion, salaries, and appointments and nominations to Department, College, and University committees.
2024-25 Members: Sarah Bruno, Joe Darda, Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Jeff Wray, Jennifer Mojica Santana (graduate student representative)
The Graduate Committee is responsible for all areas concerning graduate education in English (e.g., recruitment, graduate curriculum and degree requirements, admissions criteria, and course offerings). Members of the Graduate Committee will serve as the Graduate Admissions committee; implementation of recruiting plans, review and rank graduate student awards, fellowships, and prizes; participate in graduate recruitment activities; and participate in a series of professionalization proseminars required for first-year graduate students.
2024-25 Members: Kinitra Brooks (chair), Julian Chambliss, Gary Hoppenstand, Kuhu Tanvir, Rutuja Deshmukh (graduate student rep)
The Undergraduate Committee shall exercise delegated responsibility in all areas concerning undergraduate education in English, including programs, curriculum, instruction, pedagogy workshops and classroom observation, the awarding of scholarships/prizes, and assessment.
2024-25 Members: Robin Silbergleid (chair), Zarena Aslami, Cara Cilano, Josh Lam, Ariana Costales-Deltoro (graduate student rep)
The primary purpose of the Salary Committee is to solicit, receive, and evaluate materials for merit salary adjustments, and to make recommendations to the Chairperson of the Department regarding the award of merit salary adjustments. The Salary Committee will also identify progress of faculty members toward RPT actions. The Salary Committee shall also be the peer review group with whom the Chairperson of the Department consults regarding other kinds of salary adjustments, including equity adjustments and market adjustments.
2024-25 Members: Joshua Yumibe (chair), Steve Arch, Sheila Contreras, Juliet Guzzetta, Leonora Paula,
The SEEO Committee is responsible for enhancing the undergraduate and graduate student experience, advising on the Department’s study abroad programs, coordinating engaged learning and co-curricular opportunities for students, and leading the Department in a range of public outreach efforts, including pursuing connections with local schools and institutions. The committee will work collaborative our student groups, including Sigma Tau Delta, the Students of Color group, the NCTE chapter, and the Film Club, among others.
2024-25 Members: Pete Johnston and Steve Deng (co-chairs), Sheng-mei Ma, Scott Michaelsen, Steve Rachman, Katie Simon (Academic Advisor), Senora Blanco (graduate student rep), Sydney Logsdon (undergraduate rep).