The Department of English Awards and Scholarships for 2025

Most awards will range from $1000 to $3000, to be disbursed in Fall 2025. Although faculty in the Department may invite eligible students to apply for particular scholarships, any student who meets the criteria is welcome to nominate themselves. Awardees will be notified by the end of April. To be considered, the nominee should complete the scholarship application form (available here). Students may be asked to submit a writing sample in support of their application, as described for the particular award, and (where specified) submit a letter of recommendation or the name of an English faculty recommender who supports their scholarship application.  Deadline for receipt of application and materials for 2025 scholarships will be announced later this academic year. 

A College of Arts and Letters Award selected by the English Department for the best essay submitted by English majors early in their training (210, 211H, 280, most likely). To be eligible, student must have a minimum overall GPA of 3.5, and have no more than 60 credit hours overall. Please submit a critical essay on American Literature. Faculty recommendation is not needed. Award amount $700.

Prize awarded for the best essay by an English major. Any ENG major, including graduating seniors, are eligible to apply for this award. Please submit a substantial (>5 page) essay from an ENG class. Faculty recommendation is not needed. Award amount $150.

For majors who have taken English 210 or 211H in spring 2017 or later, have a minimum overall GPA of 3.5, and no more than 60 credit hours overall. Submit a critical essay from any English course (not necessarily 210 or 211H; max 10 pages) and submit the names of two faculty recommenders in support of your application. Award amount minimum $1500.

For English majors or English Education certification majors who have completed 60-90 credit hours; 3.7 GPA or higher in courses in the English Department. Submit a critical essay of no more than 15 pages from any English course and submit the name of one faculty recommender in support of your application.  Award amount minimum $2000.

For English majors who have completed 60-90 credit hours; 3.7 GPA or higher in courses in the English Department. Submit a critical essay of no more than 15 pages from any English course and submit the name of one faculty recommender in support of your application.  Award amount minimum $2000.

For English majors; minimum overall GPA of 3.5; and evidence of participation in cultural activities or community service.  Submit a writing sample (critical essay from an English course); and a letter of application addressing your work in the community or on campus.  Arrange for a letter of recommendation from someone qualified to affirm your community or cultural work.  Award amount minimum $1000.

 For English majors with a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 and a committed interest in poetry as a field of study. Submit as a writing sample a critical essay on a poem or poetry or poetics. Students with an interest in the teaching of poetry, at any level, are especially encouraged to apply. Award amount minimum $1250.

For English Majors with demonstrated interests in English language study and practice, where coursework has focused on history of English language, language use, grammar, or editing. Coursework in ENG302, and editing-focused internship in 493, or co-curricular editing experience in campus journals like Red Cedar Review would be examples of demonstrated interests. Submit 1-2 page letter detailing your experience in language study, a letter of recommendation from a faculty member in support of your experience, and evidence of the work you have completed (project from relevant course or co-curricular experiential learning). Award amount minimum $ 2,000.

The Smith-Marshall Award will provide $4,000 of funding for up to 5 English education teaching interns during the 2022-2023 academic year. Qualified applicants must be enrolled in the capstone teaching internship and meet the following award criteria follow:

      Commitment to studying and teaching in the area of English language histories, stylistics, grammars, and uses in varied communities and settings (e.g., from professions and disciplines to racial, ethnic, and/or geographic groups, and more)

      An emerging pedagogical capacity to design high-impact student learning experiences related to English language histories, stylistics, grammars, and uses in varied communities and settings

      Record of strong academic achievement and/or leadership in English education coursework and other relevant communities at MSU

Submission materials:

      Up to 1,000 word statement outlining candidate’s commitment to and knowledge of English language histories, stylistics, grammars, and uses in varied communities and settings

      Evidence of emerging pedagogical capacity to design student learning experiences related to English language histories, stylistics, grammars, and/or uses in varied communities and settings. Evidence may include sample lesson or unit plans, student work samples from your teaching, or micro-teaching demonstration with reflection.

      The names of two faculty references who can speak to the nominee’s fittingness for the award criteria

      Updated resume

Materials must be submitted via this google form by a date to be announced later this academic year. 


For English Education students with more than 80 credits overall, minimum overall GPA of 3.5.  Submit as writing sample a critical essay of no more than 15 pages from any English course and the name of one faculty recommender in support of your applicationAward amount minimum $2500.

Two scholarships of $1500 will be awarded to outstanding students in the creative writing concentration to be applied to tuition for academic year 2022-2023; any student in the creative writing concentration who will graduate December 2021 or LATER is eligible to apply.  If you are interested in applying, please submit a writing sample of 10-15 pages of work (in a single genre or in multiple genres) along, with a brief (500 word) aesthetic and contextual statement about your project and your goals as a writer.  Submissions may be submitted via Google form here by March 25.  Questions may be directed to Dr. Robin Silbergleid (

Dr. Louis A. “Andy” Doyle scholarship:  The Doyle scholarship is awarded as part of the selection process for the summer program in Ireland. We list it here to publicize its availability.